

Japanese followed by English.

株式会社システムソフト(本社:東京都千代田区、代表取締役社長:吉尾 春樹)でスタートアップ企業支援とコワーキングスペース運営を行うfabbitは、北九州市が本日、同市と協働運営する国内最大級のコワーキングスペース「COMPASS小倉」に国家戦略特区のメニューを活用した「北九州市開業ワンストップセンター」と「雇用労働相談センター」を設置したことを発表します。









代表者:代表取締役社長 吉尾 春樹
本社所在地:東京都千代田区大手町二丁目6番1号 朝日生命大手町ビル2階



[News Release] Kitakyushu City Establishes “Kitakyushu City One-Stop Center for Business Opening” and “Employment and Labor Consultation Center” at COMPASS Kokura


fabbit, which supports start-up companies and operates co-working spaces as a subsidiary of SystemSoft Corporation (headquartered in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; CEO: Haruki Yoshio; TSE Code: 7527), announced today that Kitakyushu City has set up a comprehensive consultation service for business startups at COMPASS Kokura, one of the largest co-working spaces in Japan, which is operated in collaboration with Kitakyushu City.

Kitakyushu City aims to be the most entrepreneur-friendly city in Japan, and has set up the “Kitakyushu City One-Stop Center for Starting a Business”, which offers online consultation on procedures and documentation necessary for establishing a company every Wednesday, with the support of an administrative procedure consultant (administrative scrivener), and “Employment and Labor Consultation Center”, offering free consultations with lawyers or labor and social security attorneys on employment issues for start-up companies, at COMPASS Kokura on March 1.

At COMPASS Kokura, JETRO Kitakyushu has been introducing foreign investment companies (VCs) to start-ups and supporting business matching with foreign start-up companies. In addition, COMPASS Kokura offers a full-time incubation manager available for consultations for those who are thinking of starting a business. 

For more information on COMPASS Kokura, please  visit;


[Company Profile of SystemSoft Corporation]
Representative: Haruki Yoshio
Head office: Asahi Seimei Otemachi Building 2nd Floor, 2-6-1 Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo

The post 【ニュースリリース】北九州市が、COMPASS小倉に「北九州市開業ワンストップセンター」と「雇用労働相談センター」を設置 first appeared on Fabbit.

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